
What is a Psychosocial Assessment?

As a Social Worker or Psychologist, one of the most important documents, in order to convey information about you, is the Psychological and Social Assessment or Psychosocial Assessment. A Psychosocial Assessment is the social worker’s or psychologist’s summary as to the problems to be solved. The social worker or psychologist considers a variety of factors, which may include the substance use/physical/psychiatric illness and its impact, results derived from psychological tests or screenings, legal status, descriptions of the problem(s), existing assets and resources, the prognosis or prediction of outcome(s), and the plan designed to resolve the problem(s) if needed.

Your Psychosocial Assessment should:

  • Communicate pertinent information about you to other professionals for diagnostic, case planning, or referral purposes.
  • Establish in writing an account of, “where you are” at a particular moment in time during service provision; the Psychosocial Assessment offers baseline information about you when you entered Mount Hope Counseling Centers for a specific assessment period.
  • Offer the social worker or psychologist an opportunity to reflect on, refine thinking, and raise questions about you and your situation – to digest information about and impressions about you through the process of writing about it.

At Mount Hope Counseling Centers, we assign up to five ‘Individual Therapeutic Sessions,’ so that you can feel heard and understood.